
“Nothing Happens In This Scene:” Brief Thoughts On Pacing and Context

If you’ve ever read any book reviews, or ever received any critiques on your work, chances are good you’ve heard the following feedback: “I just wasn’t grabbed by this scene/chapter/story. Nothing happened.” If your goal is to write a commercial book where everyone says “I read it in one sitting and I couldn’t put it… Continue reading “Nothing Happens In This Scene:” Brief Thoughts On Pacing and Context


Why I Love Endings (And Also Hate Them)

The End. Small words, three letters each. But when you put them together, wow are they big. The conclusion, the finale, the denouement. Powerful, shocking, bittersweet, heartwarming. An ending can be so many things.  I’m not going to say the ending is the absolute most important part of a story; beginnings are important, too, because… Continue reading Why I Love Endings (And Also Hate Them)


In A World…: World Building in First Person

In A World… is a series of posts about world building, where our contributors share strategies and tips for creating well-rounded worlds. World building is hard. Fantasy or contemporary, with multiple points of view or one, it’s not an easy task. Just check out the many other posts that are part of the “In A World..”… Continue reading In A World…: World Building in First Person

Craft · Feature

#DVPit Blog Hop: The Passage of Time in Your Novel

Writer’s Block Party is honored to host literary agent, Peter Knapp, for this week’s #DVPit blog hop. For more information on #DVPit go here: dvpit.com In my apartment, sitting on top of my armoire, is a large shoebox full of keepsakes: ticket stubs and playbills, museum maps and gallery catalogues, postcards and birthday notes, party invitations,… Continue reading #DVPit Blog Hop: The Passage of Time in Your Novel